Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Comments section

“have you ever fucked a nigger?”
-- Donald Trump, according to the father of a friend of actor Don Cheadle 
 I don’t avail myself of Twitter, or Facebook, but on two occasions I’ve written pieces for websites that elicited a tremendous amount of hate mail.  Oddly enough, one of them was a piece bemoaning—of all things–the way that Christina Aguilera sings; the other was about Caitlin Jenner’s political beliefs. These two ventures into the sizzling cauldron of red-hot internet hatred were enough to keep me off social media for the rest of my life.  But—I suppose like most people–I have an abiding fascination with the depths of loathing in the Comments sections underneath controversial posts.  And in the case of Don Cheadle’s Trump story these comments reached a pitch of such frenzy that it’s hard to imagine how it could get any uglier…although we know it will; we take it on faith.
-- John Eskow


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