Friday, January 29, 2021

take us away

rise against

the deep end of the pool

It’s a fair guess that you haven’t heard a peep about Dark Pools on the evening news. The fact that you haven’t is a perfect commentary on why mainstream media is failing the American people when it comes to exposing Wall Street’s serial looting of the little guy. But when a bunch of quixotic posters on a Reddit message board can be parlayed into the exciting narrative of a Robinhood band taking on the evil hedge funds, it goes viral on the evening news – sucking in hundreds of thousands more unsophisticated retail investors.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Annals of Capitalism- No. 1

Rage against the machine:

Early this week a few amateur stock trading nerds decided to promote a stock that was heavily shortened by certain hedge funds. The idea was to raise the stock price of Game Stop Corp., a vendor for computer games, by having lots of small stock traders to buy into it. The hedge fund that shortened the stock, and thereby bet on a dropping stock price, would then make huge losses while the many small buyers would potentially profit.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

we control all that you are

Controlling consciousness through mass communication via the Internet has created what the French philosopher Debord described as A Culture of Imbeciles, “in which advertising has become the only factor”.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Coups are us

 Websters, Coup d’Etat: “A sudden, decisive action in politics effecting a change of government illegally or by force”.

The precise definition, likely unfamiliar to most Americans, is not a subject of confusion to our government.  Coups, it can be said, are us.  Our government runs them all the time.  They are, with unilateral and undeclared war, its favorite ‘diplomatic’ endeavor.  It was late to adopt the tactic but strove to perfect subversion and destruction of regimes beyond what was thought possible.

-- Paul Edwards


Monday, January 11, 2021

post-coup. party on

we are all boogaloo bois; 

I'm all in. where is my Hawaiian shirt?

Lets storm capitols with style.

We have style with our power.

Many neo-Nazis and accelerationists are hoping the current protests will kick off the boogaloo. “The ‘spark’ is just one white man with an AR to go boogaloo…doesn’t matter if he’s a scared normiecon, derp state fed, or nutcase,”

