Thursday, April 12, 2018

comment from the southern hemisphere

Open letter to the dipshits who are planning to nuke each other....

Just get on with it, please. Im sick of waiting for the inevitable. Every day, doom porn. Im over it. Just stop talking shit, and nuke each other already. Or else shut up and go home. For fucks sake, this shit is gonna give me an ulcer, its like Im stuck in traffic that has slowed down because they think theres gonna be an accident, and don't wanna miss the potential carnage, and all I wanna do is get home. If the US and EU are such suicidal idiots, they deserve it. Whoever sets this off, it doesn't matter, you all die, leaving me to my rural southern hemisphere subtropical peace. Its Darwinism 101. As much as I like you all, you've had it coming for a while. Slaughtering each other like fucking animals for centuries, blaming everybody else, and pissing on the rest of us while trying to convince us its rain. Keep your pipelines, your WMDs and your ridiculous elections. Keep your Houses of "Lords", your apeshit crazy senates, and your "democracies". Im ready to kick back and watch them all get vaporized by your fear and insatiable greed, to watch your "smart" bombs land on your own fucking heads. All I ask is just please, for goodness sake, leave us poor third world fuckers out of it.

We've seen enough...

Posted by: dan | Apr 11, 2018 3:49:57 PM |

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