Friday, April 14, 2017

the rocket's red glare

Speaking of hollow displays of patriotism and the worship of state violence, how about those beautiful missile strikes? There’s nothing like a majestic missile soaring through the desert air! It’s a damn shame Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow weren’t on the receiving end. Fuck them, and every other yuppie-liberal who works at NBC. They are directly responsible for Trump’s victory, and everything that follows. Our billionaire-rapist-chickenhawk president who likes to eat chocolate cake while firing cruise missiles couldn’t have won the White House without the help of CNN and MSNBC. Always remember that.

In the meantime, who will the U.S. bomb next? And how long before the world is drawn into what could become the most devastating war in the history of humanity: WWIII? Those are the most important questions of the day.

-- Vincent Emanuele


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