Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Cafe Domenico- the unconscious liberal

[traditional liberalism] “lacks the spirit of enthusiasm, not to say fanaticism, which is so necessary to move the world out of its beaten tracks.  It is too intellectual and too little emotional to be a force in history.”
  -- Reinhold Niebuhr 

Fervor, enthusiasm, passion, fanaticism, zeal, ardor; all highly colored words that so easily can cause disturbance in the soul of the liberal committed to the workings of reason.  This is because the unconscious liberal has no contact with enthusiasm; deferential always to the civilizing voice which exacts enormous amounts of repression in order to “succeed’ in this world, ( i.e., to score high as possible on SAT’s and LSAT’s), these words today conjure mobs, lynchings, bacchanals, DWI’s; never the exalted condition of happiness, the reality of the gods that are constituent in the souls of men and women.

-- Kim Domenico


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