utter arrogant, idiotic, and imperial absurdity of Barack Obama going to
Cuba to lecture the people on democracy, freedom, and how to achieve a
good society.
What, like the United States? Really? The U.S… the mass
incarceration capital of the world, home to a quarter of the world’s
prisoners, an “armed madhouse” (Greg Palast)
of a nation where: the top 1 percent owns more wealth than the bottom
90 percent; 6 Wal-Mart heirs together possess as much wealth as the
bottom 42 percent; politics and policy are in grip of an unelected and
interrelated dictatorship of money and empire; an openly plutocratic
oligarchy rules in total indifference to public opinion;
world-capitalist ecocide finds its leading carbon-addicted financial and
propagandistic centers; white median household wealth is 13 times
higher than Black median household wealth; more than 16 million children
(22 percent of all U.S. children, including 38 percent of Black
children) live below the federal government’s notoriously inadequate
poverty level; municipal water systems are rife with poisonous lead;
infrastructure is crumbling; pollution is rampant; schools are
under-funded and mind-numbing; civic discourse is hopelessly degraded;
racial hyper-segregation and the harsh racialized concentration of
poverty and joblessness (in Black ghettoes, Native American reservation,
and Latino barrios) is predominant; one in three Black men is saddled
with the crippling lifelong stigma of a felony record; politicians and
not-so “public” policy are bought and sold like any other commodity; the
current endless and populace-marginalizing presidential election is
shaping as a contest between (in Diana Johnstone’s words) “the two most
hated people in the country” (the mad-dog imperial war hawk Hillary
Clinton and the quasi-fascist media buffoon and real estate mogul Donald
Trump); much if not most of the populace is kept in a woeful and
dangerous state of mass ignorance and stupidity about history, current
events, and much more; violent death (fed by off-the-global-charts
homicide and suicide rates) is rampant; purposefully mass-murderous
assault weapons are widely available and ubiquitous; mental illness
proliferates; natural resources are regularly stripped and destroyed;
livable wage jobs have disappeared en masse; commercialized
mass alienation and soulless anomie are endemic; substance abuse and
obesity are epidemic; economic insecurity is pervasive; more than half
the population is either poor or near-poor; food is systematically
poisoned and adulterated in field, factory, corporate laboratory,
box-car, tractor trailer, warehouse, restaurant, and grocery store;
agriculture is criminally misdirected and absurdly extra-local; water
supplies are gravely imperiled; more than half of federal discretionary
spending pays for a giant war machine and global empire that accounts
for half the world’s military spending; you can’t even watch the
last three minutes of a college basketball tournament game without
having to be bombarded with ten minutes of mindless mass-consumerist
--Paul Street
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