These Articles of Impeachment are painfully weak, guaranteed to fail and, in doing so, help no one but Donald Trump. I have characterized the Democrats’ impeachment bid as a dead man’s hand, Aces & Eights. But the actual cards on the table are even worse—more like two-seven, unsuited. It is hard to believe the Democrats can imagine they will sway anybody with this dog.
The obviousness of this losing hand, and the fact that the most politically-seasoned, can’t-be-that-stupid Democrats seem determined to play it out, has my paranoid political Spidey senses all a-tingle. What are the cards they’re not showing? What lies beneath the thin ice of these Articles of Impeachment? If the apparent agenda makes no sense, look for the hidden.
If there’s a hidden agenda behind the urgency to remove Trump, one that might actually garner the votes of Republican Senators, it is to replace him with a president who will be a more reliable and effective leader for a military attack on Iran that Israel wants to initiate before next November. Spring is the cruelest season for launching wars.
-- Jim Kavanagh
1 comment:
Back in November, my thought was: this is all a delay tactic. Ds will drag this out until April or May, put blood in the water and besmirch Cheeto Jesus at which point: they will either succeed (unlikely) - but will have sown doubt and confusion into the Cheeto's campaign efforts so there might become switched allegiances in the runup to Nov. ... or else they'd succeed and leave the Rs with an addle-pated and confused campaign and candidate going into the summer (likely: Romney). Either way: keep everything confused until mid-next year. But it doesn't seem to be playing out that way, either. The articles ARE thin. The principles are sound - the arguing points - but there's just not enough 'evidence.' Possible Ds are (doing what they always do) and overestimating the sophistication of voters; 'principles' haven't won over $$ since, like, ever, and drawing out the inherent hyperbole and hypocrisy of the Rs (in references to Clinton's blow-job or pointing to Blagojovich or any number of Rs scumbags who've done much worse) - that kind of guilt-tripping assumes those voters have a conscience and intelligence. So it truly is a mystery why they are still pursuing this...
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