Friday, November 8, 2019

climate change contrarian post of the day

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    Thomas Binder says:
    When sunny you sweat, when cloudy you shiver, and CO2, elixir of life, is rising:
    It’s the weather, stupid! Then think about how crazy and or corrupt you would be if you (allegedly) believed that climate, the statistics of weather, was not driven by sun, cosmic rays, clouds and oceans but by (anthropogenic) CO2.
    No science-denying green plant could ever hit on the idea to (un)consciously deny sun, cosmic rays, clouds and oceans (low-pass filter of the climate system because of their heat content), blame O2 as the “toxic climate (change) culprit” and even want to sequestrate it.
    Actually it is even worse because, from the green plants’ perspective, O2 is toxic by allowing to destroy aka to burn (them). But I guess no green plant could ever become as arrogant, ignorant and intolerant to fight the fauna’s and human’s elixir of life O2, as some humans can.
    The IPCC is a fraudulent political UN organisation (see Climategate) that even manipulates data (see e.g. Tony Heller) so that the Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period, the 1930ies Warm Phase, the Global Cooling from 1945-1975 and the hiatus from 1998 ff. are flushed down the memory hole because their misbelief is disproved for many years.
    As a not brain-dead human(ist), scientist and cardiologist I can say that the arrogant, ignorant, intolerant anti-CO2-, so anti-life cult #IPCCCO2Hoax is one of the most inhumane, unscientific and sickest of all inventions by psychopaths.
    Thomas Binder, MD

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