Monday, October 1, 2018

Taliban vs the F35B

Why did the US military have a vertical-take-off F-35B launched from an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean make an attack on a Taliban position in Afghanistan?
Let’s say one thing from the get-go:  It was not because it was the right weapons system for the job.
Designed as a fighter [the F35B] that can fly at Mach 1.6 speed (1199 mph) and be virtually invisible to enemy radar, which of course the Taliban fighters (whose top speed is a few miles per hour) in Afghanistan don’t even have, it is meant to be a sixth-generation fighter intended to assure US forces of air superiority against an advanced enemy with similar planes. The Taliban of course have zero planes or even anti-aircraft weapons. They are about as primitive an enemy as the US has ever confronted since the days of  Gen. Armstrong Custer (who as we know had problems winning even then).

    -- Dave Lindorff


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