Monday, September 17, 2018

from Cafe Domenico

That we can ignore dark reality is due to the pretense, essential to bourgeois reality, we are or can be above nature, a pretense abetted  by much of  popular spiritual practice,  and the basis for class structuring of society, for flight to the suburbs away from the crime and crumbling of cities, for liberal obeisance to corporatocracy, for white supremacy as well as for ongoing anthropocenic species suicide. The pretense is self-defeating; the nature we pretend to be above is our own embodied mortal nature. So repugnant is this [truth] that we will forgo the fight to save the human-supportive world in order not to have to face that fight for our human soul we have been assured we can escape by the cherished promise of  Progress.
    -- Kim Domenico


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