Monday, August 27, 2018

fuck reality, we need a parade

It’s begun.  Leading the parade is someone that looks a lot like Hillary, dressed in demure light blue sackcloth. She has to be first; Hillary’s always on his mind, even now, two years after. Besides, everybody hates her these days: the left for losing, the right for winning, and those in between because everybody else does.  She’s bent over, with three lap-tops draped around her neck, struggling to maintain balance.  Behind her, in black pajamas, is Sebastian Gorka with a hickory cane, avidly administering lashes.  If it seems a little Sharia like: lighten up; it’s a celebration!  There’s cheering (Lock Her Up!), and thunderous applause coming from both sides of the avenue.  Off to one side and keeping pace, husband Bill appears to be shaking hands and mingling with the crowd.  Up in his box, the president stands with arms crossed, his head bobbing; grinning from ear to ear.
    -- Vern Loomis

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