[we] live in a world of comparative calm that is, at some remove, deeply unsettling. We spend our mornings rifling through the papers, scrolling through our bright screen display, consuming and digesting the latest breathless reportage from the centers of power. Yet we are far from the action. We live in our prefab arcadias, urban enclaves soothed by ubiquitous white noise, zoom along spotless highway tracts between corporate campuses and homogenized shopping centers, half their storefronts empty, like the glass-paneled ghost towns of a forgotten consumer frontier. Our corporate offices are muffled spaces. The low hum of the building core lulls its drones into a kind of quiescent repose. Repetitive motion injuries advance in the breezeless hush of the office. Colleagues speak in low tones, particularly the men, a generation of halting, soft-spoken males anxious to embody non-aggressive communication styles in a new world of trigger warnings and harassment complaints. We pace through crowds pacified by the narcotic haze of Big Pharma, desensitized to the booming retail carnival that envelops us. Yet there is, outside the high walls of the metropole, violent coercion at work on behalf of the giant engines of capital, a kind of muted savagery whose cries we only faintly decipher amid the din of our merchandised mayhem.
-- Jason Hirthler
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
rain, reconsidered
“Our local observations show the last five years (2014 through 2018) have all had above-normal rainfall in Wilmington (NC), and are collectively the wettest five year period since records began in 1871. While it's never possible to attribute a single storm or even a particular year's weather events to climate change, the Fourth National Climate Assessment states ‘Across most of the United States, the heaviest rainfall events have become heavier and more frequent. The amount of rain falling on the heaviest rain days has also increased over the past few decades.’”
Saturday, December 29, 2018
“I am always on the side of the revolutionists, because there never was a revolution unless there were some oppressive and intolerable conditions against which to revolute.”
-- Mark Twain
-- Mark Twain
Friday, December 28, 2018
Chuck Mertz- this is hell
“I hate feel-good news coverage....It makes people ignore the reality of what’s going on in the world.”Chuck Mertz has hosted This is Hell! since 1996. Before that he worked selling Christmas decorations, counting and etching bushings, delivering newspapers, stocking shelves and mopping floors, making gyros, dismantling schools, working concert security, cleaning vegetables, canvassing homes, washing dishes, cleaning apartments, attending to a parking lot, conducting telemarket research, making sandwiches, selling books, working the door, working a loading dock and warehouse, counting people, counting shoes, freelance writing, production assistanting, field producing and assignment editing.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Syracuse cops convinced a judge to sign a search warrant to force doctors to search a man’s rectum for drugs. An X-ray (also performed without his consent) had already shown there was no contraband in his anal passage. The forcible search turned up nothing. The man was then billed $4,500 for this anal-rape by cop.
-- Jefrey St. Clair
-- Jefrey St. Clair
Saturday, December 22, 2018
banksy in bethlehem
The Walled Off Hotel was intended as a temporary and provocative piece of installation art, turning the oppressive 700-kilometre-long wall that cuts through occupied Palestinian land into an improbable tourist attraction. Visitors drawn to Bethlehem by Banksy’s art – both inside the hotel and on the colossal wall outside – are given a brief, but potent, taste of Palestinian life in the shadow of Israel’s military infrastructure of confinement.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
advantage, Trump
he actually did something sane; scary....
Last Friday President Trump had another long phonecall with the Turkish President Erdogan. Thereafter he overruled all his advisors and decided to remove the U.S. boots from Syria and to also end the air war.
This was the first time Trump took a decisive stand against the borg, the permanent neoconservative and interventionist establishment in his administration, the military and congress, that usually dictates U.S. foreign policy.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
“Global heating is technically more correct because we are talking about changes in the energy balance of the planet. We should be talking about risk rather than uncertainty.”
-- Richard Betts, University of Exeter
"I've worked on this for 30 years and I've never been as worried as I am today. Global warming doesn't capture the scale of destruction. Speaking of hothouse Earth is legitimate."
-- Hans Joachim Schellnhuber—Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
-- Richard Betts, University of Exeter
"I've worked on this for 30 years and I've never been as worried as I am today. Global warming doesn't capture the scale of destruction. Speaking of hothouse Earth is legitimate."
-- Hans Joachim Schellnhuber—Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
.....although the planet may not shed a tear for the demise of technological civilization, hope on the individual scale for the moment is possible. Going through the black night of the soul, members of the species may be rewarded by the emergence of a conscious dignity devoid of illusions, grateful for the glimpse at the universe for which humans are privileged for the fleeting moment.
-- Andrew Glikson
“Having pushed a boulder up the mountain all day, turning toward the setting sun, we must consider Sisyphus happy.” (Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus, 1942)
boycott Texas
A children's speech pathologist who has worked for the last nine years with developmentally disabled, autistic, and speech-impaired elementary school students in Austin, Texas, has been told that she can no longer work with the public school district, after she refused to sign an oath vowing that she “does not” and “will not” engage in a boycott of Israel or “otherwise take any action that is intended to inflict economic harm” on that foreign nation.
-- Glenn Greenwald
-- Glenn Greenwald
Sunday, December 16, 2018
gilets jaunes 2019-
The French Yellow Vests Insurgency may or may not grow into a major threat to the established order; nobody knows for sure how it will play out....revolutions take a long time to play out: The American Revolution, 1775-1783; the French Revolution, 1789-1799; the Chinese Communist Revolution, 1945-1950; the Cuban Revolution, 1953-1959; the Spring of Nations Revolutions of 1848-1852 against monarchies in Germany, France, Italy, and Austria.
....over the past three decades, neoliberal globalization set the table for dissolution of the middle class as wages around the world collapsed into a SE Asian vortex of slave labor. This is the heart of the matter behind the Yellow Vest movement, albeit sparked by the Macron government’s new fuel taxes. This is also the biggest reason why a worldwide revolution of the working classes may actually happen, inclusive of pretty much everybody below the top 1% plus the upper-upper-middle-class.
---- Robert Hunziker
....over the past three decades, neoliberal globalization set the table for dissolution of the middle class as wages around the world collapsed into a SE Asian vortex of slave labor. This is the heart of the matter behind the Yellow Vest movement, albeit sparked by the Macron government’s new fuel taxes. This is also the biggest reason why a worldwide revolution of the working classes may actually happen, inclusive of pretty much everybody below the top 1% plus the upper-upper-middle-class.
---- Robert Hunziker
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
be your own prison!
"....who hasn’t noticed how the Web has become like so many chambers in a Russian roulette game, as more and more of our attention is absorbed by the likes of Facebook, Google and Amazon, and we pull the trigger on our consciousness? Marketized and re-militarized, the Internet has become a place for the Masters of Algorithm War to move our data points around like poker chips in a game of Bullshit. Fake News (Voice of America or RT?), Black Friday mega-deals, the latest Trump tweets, what chum will we go for today? Oh, the humanity."
-- John Kendall Hawkins
-- John Kendall Hawkins
color theory
....when blended together Republican red and Democrat blue yield purple — the color not just of bipartisanship, but of the financial elites who support them (in the US and globally) — i.e., the color of royalty. And the opposite of purple (its negation), as any glance at a color wheel will tell you, is yellow. As such, the yellow of the yellow vests is more than just the color of anti-neoliberalism, it’s the color of anti-inequality. That is, it’s the color of radical democracy, of a radical egalitarianism that is hostile to the privatization of the public realm, and hostile to the concentrations of wealth that characterize the present toxic organization of the world.
-- Elliot Sperber
-- Elliot Sperber
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Révolution 2018
"Just think of France becoming the front-runner again for a Revolution, 230 years after the Storming of the Bastille, bringing a new order into nation states, away from globalization and maybe back to sovereign governments, building up new trading relations and partner alliances on a basis of equality, rather than imposed by a one-polar world order."
-- Peter Koenig
-- Peter Koenig
the gilets jaunes
To put this dispute into terms American drivers would understand, the government of President Emmanuel Macron proposed a hike of 28 cents per gallon for diesel and 17 cents per gallon for gasoline. Though these taxes were the immediate trigger, the context in which this policy was imposed made the difference. In domestic economic policy Macron has been a smoother French version of Donald Trump. The tax on diesel followed a whole series of tax gifts to the most wealthy French citizens and businesses, including elimination or reduction of estate and wealth taxes as well as the replacement of a progressive income tax with a flat tax. These tax policies were a neoliberal dream that had already become a nightmare for working class citizens.
-- Juan Cole
-- Juan Cole
- Even the moralistic criticisms that accuse the gilets jaunes of materialism and selfishness can be called into question. Was not the increase in the price of bread the main factor pushing the women of Paris to mount their furious march on Versailles in October 1789? The history of social struggles is peppered with movements arising from an exasperation that owed to the material conditions of the popular classes, movements that can give rise to greater awareness, bring out wider demands, and which can converge with other struggles. Or not.
- -- Aurelie Dianara, University of Glasgow
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
French run amok- Russia to blame!
So it appears the privatization of France isn't going quite as smoothly as planned. As I assume you are aware, for over a month now, the gilets jaunes (or "yellow vests"), a multiplicitous, leaderless, extremely pissed off, confederation of working class persons, have been staging a series of lively protests in cities and towns throughout the country to express their displeasure with Emmanuel Macron and his ongoing efforts to transform their society into an American-style neo-feudal dystopia. Highways have been blocked, toll booths commandeered, luxury automobiles set on fire, and shopping on the Champs-Élysées disrupted. What began as a suburban tax revolt has morphed into a bona fide working class uprising......
By Sunday, the corporate media were insinuating that diabolical Russian Facebook bots had brainwashed the French into running amok, because who else could possibly be responsible? Certainly not the French themselves! The French, as every American knows, are by nature a cowardly, cheese-eating people, who have never overthrown their rightful rulers, or publicly beheaded the aristocracy. No, the French were just sitting there, smoking like chimneys, and otherwise enjoying their debt-enslavement and the privatization of their social democracy, until they unsuspectingly logged onto Facebook ... and BLAMMO, the Russian hackers got them!
-- cj hopkins
By Sunday, the corporate media were insinuating that diabolical Russian Facebook bots had brainwashed the French into running amok, because who else could possibly be responsible? Certainly not the French themselves! The French, as every American knows, are by nature a cowardly, cheese-eating people, who have never overthrown their rightful rulers, or publicly beheaded the aristocracy. No, the French were just sitting there, smoking like chimneys, and otherwise enjoying their debt-enslavement and the privatization of their social democracy, until they unsuspectingly logged onto Facebook ... and BLAMMO, the Russian hackers got them!
-- cj hopkins
Monday, December 10, 2018
American crazies
Recent efforts to burnish the image of members of the Bundy Public Land Grab clan bear close watching. A flurry of Bundy-friendly articles and videos commenced in early November. This began with a fawning piece in the Idaho Statesman featuring Ammon Bundy “a sunlight kind of guy” at his apple orchard in Emmett Idaho.
Near the end of the conference on Saturday afternoon, Ammon Bundy took the stage to describe his family’s battle over grazing rights as part of a religious war. In an hour-long speech that often resembled a sermon, Bundy called environmentalists “an enemy to humans,” and said they are driven by a non-Judeo-Christian theology. He also read from the New American magazine, which is published by a subsidiary of the far-right group John Birch Society: “United Nations is essentially a global government under construction. The fact that the U.N. functions as a church for the religion of environmentalists reveals just how dangerous this religion is.” Bundy also said that water shortage and overpopulation are “lies” …
-- High Country News, 4/26/2018, Range Rights and Resources Symposiumrebranding-bundy
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
Thursday, December 6, 2018
the vanishing
The image of a wild animal becomes the starting-point of a daydream: a point from which the daydreamer departs with his back turned.
– John Berger, Why Look At Animals? (1980)
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Poppy Bush and the highway of death
“Much good can come from the prudent use of power. And much good can come from this: A world once divided into two armed camps now recognizes one sole and pre-eminent power, the United States of America. And they regard this with no dread. For the world trusts us with power, and the world is right. They trust us to be fair and restrained. They trust us to be on the side of decency. They trust us to do what’s right”
-- George H. W. Bush, State of the Union address, 1/28/1992
(Iraqi troops retreating from Kuwait on February 26 and 27, 1991)
U.S. planes trapped the long convoys by disabling vehicles in the front, and at the rear, and then pounded the resulting traffic jams for hours. ‘It was like shooting fish in a barrel,’ said one U.S. pilot. On the sixty miles of coastal highway, Iraqi military units sit in gruesome repose, scorched skeletons of vehicles and men alike, black and awful under the sun…for 60 miles every vehicle was strafed or bombed, every windshield is shattered, every tank is burned, every truck is riddled with shell fragments. No survivors are known or likely…. ‘Even in Vietnam I didn’t see anything like this. It’s pathetic,’ said Major Bob Nugent, an Army intelligence officer…U.S. pilots took whatever bombs happened to be close to the flight deck, from cluster bombs to 500 pound bombs…U.S. forces continued to drop bombs on the convoys until all humans were killed. So many jets swarmed over the inland road that it created an aerial traffic jam, and combat air controllers feared midair collisions….
-- testimony of Joyce Chediac, War Crimes: A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq to the Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
and that's the truth
/ed note:
we often run columns by mr. hopkins, in spite of his snarky comments and incredibly sarcastic and cynical views. however, he nails it this time.
There is only one truth … the official truth. The truth according to those in power. This is the whole purpose of the concept of truth. It is the reason the concept of “truth” was invented (i.e., to render any other “truths” lies). It is how those in power control reality and impose their ideology on the masses (or their employees, or their students, or their children). Yes, I know, we very badly want there to be some “objective truth” (i.e., what actually happened, when whatever happened, JFK, 9-11, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Schrödinger’s dead cat, the Big Bang, or whatever). There isn’t. The truth is just a story … a story that is never our story.
---- cj hopkins
we often run columns by mr. hopkins, in spite of his snarky comments and incredibly sarcastic and cynical views. however, he nails it this time.
There is only one truth … the official truth. The truth according to those in power. This is the whole purpose of the concept of truth. It is the reason the concept of “truth” was invented (i.e., to render any other “truths” lies). It is how those in power control reality and impose their ideology on the masses (or their employees, or their students, or their children). Yes, I know, we very badly want there to be some “objective truth” (i.e., what actually happened, when whatever happened, JFK, 9-11, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Schrödinger’s dead cat, the Big Bang, or whatever). There isn’t. The truth is just a story … a story that is never our story.
---- cj hopkins
Sunday, December 2, 2018
David Crosby 'Vow of Hair'
Almost cut my hair
Happened just the other day
It's gettin' kind of long
I could've said it was in my way
But I didn't and I wonder why
I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it, yeah ... to someone, yeah
-- db desgnr
Happened just the other day
It's gettin' kind of long
I could've said it was in my way
But I didn't and I wonder why
I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it, yeah ... to someone, yeah
After years of procrastination, I finally decided to take the Vow sometime during the fall of 2016. And yes, I still got hair, and it was just lying around (or blowing around or whatever hair does) and putting up with the occasional 'trim' which sometimes was disastrous and a general embarrassment.... "Hey professor; nice haircut". Now, all people can say is "he took the Vow", and wonder why the hell they went bald at age 35.
I certainly don't know. Its a mystery.
I certainly don't know. Its a mystery.
The Vow does allow a certain latitude in your relationship with the hair-dresser person, and yes you can visit the hair-dresser but only under the following conditions:
Your hair must be "annoying you", or, your significant other says the dreaded words, "you need a trim".
Only these 2 conditions can compel you to visit the hair-dresser person, and according to the Vow, you must tell the hair-dresser person exactly these words: "You can cut my hair, but when I walk out of here, my hair must be longer than when I walked in".
The Vow is not to be taken lightly- its seriousness or gravitas is on the order of the sacred Vow of Weed, "Smoke 'em if you got 'em".
In other words, "grow it if you got it".
In other words, "grow it if you got it".
-- db desgnr
Thursday, November 29, 2018
the Russian lake
....a Kerch Strait incident designed as a cheap provocation, bearing all the hallmarks of a US think-tank ploy, is automatically interpreted as “Russian aggression”, regardless of the facts. Indeed, any such tactics are good when it comes to derailing the Trump-Putin meeting at the G20 in Buenos Aires this coming weekend.
Meanwhile, in Ukraine, chaos is the norm....Poroshenko’s approval rate barely touches 8%. His chances of being re-elected, assuming polls are credible, are virtually zero. Little wonder he used the Kerch to declare martial law, effective this Wednesday, lasting for 30 days and bound to be extended. Poroshenko will be able to control the media and increase his chances of rigging the election.
-- Pepe Escobar
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
make america rake again
“I was with the president of Finland, he said ‘We have a much different — we’re a forest nation.’ He called it a forest nation. And they spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things, and they don’t have any problem.
-- Donald Trump
-- Donald Trump
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
predators R us
The very idea, however unpalatable, that with life’s initial appearance predation was an immediate “logical/reasonable” response should give us philosophic pause.
Current scientific knowledge suggests that the predator/prey relationship began very soon after life itself arose.
This ancient antagonistic natural relationship often gave and gives rise to what is known as an “evolutionary arms race” or what might be considered in Hegelian terms as a dialectical relationship.
Yet, now, perhaps in the Age of the Anthropocene when man has become the apex predator and the world has become his prey this ancient dialectic might be coming to an end.
-- Dan Corjescu
its the climate
[A] major climate report was issued by the U.S. government weeks ahead of schedule, on arguably the quietest journalistic Friday of the year: the day after Thanksgiving. It’s not clear who is responsible for the odd timing, but in spite of that, Part II of the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA) is much too powerful a document to stay buried.
Monday, November 26, 2018
By Archibald MacLeish
And here face down beneath the sun
And here upon earth’s noonward height
To feel the always coming on
The always rising of the night:
And here upon earth’s noonward height
To feel the always coming on
The always rising of the night:
To feel creep up the curving east
The earthy chill of dusk and slow
Upon those under lands the vast
And ever climbing shadow grow
The earthy chill of dusk and slow
Upon those under lands the vast
And ever climbing shadow grow
And strange at Ecbatan the trees
Take leaf by leaf the evening strange
The flooding dark about their knees
The mountains over Persia change
Take leaf by leaf the evening strange
The flooding dark about their knees
The mountains over Persia change
And now at Kermanshah the gate
Dark empty and the withered grass
And through the twilight now the late
Few travelers in the westward pass
Dark empty and the withered grass
And through the twilight now the late
Few travelers in the westward pass
And Baghdad darken and the bridge
Across the silent river gone
And through Arabia the edge
Of evening widen and steal on
Across the silent river gone
And through Arabia the edge
Of evening widen and steal on
And deepen on Palmyra’s street
The wheel rut in the ruined stone
And Lebanon fade out and Crete
High through the clouds and overblown
The wheel rut in the ruined stone
And Lebanon fade out and Crete
High through the clouds and overblown
And over Sicily the air
Still flashing with the landward gulls
And loom and slowly disappear
The sails above the shadowy hulls
Still flashing with the landward gulls
And loom and slowly disappear
The sails above the shadowy hulls
And Spain go under and the shore
Of Africa the gilded sand
And evening vanish and no more
The low pale light across that land
Of Africa the gilded sand
And evening vanish and no more
The low pale light across that land
Nor now the long light on the sea:
And here face downward in the sun
To feel how swift how secretly
The shadow of the night comes on …
To feel how swift how secretly
The shadow of the night comes on …
Policy Statement
Here at GeezerNation our motto has always been, "if you read it here first, we didn't write it".
Sunday, November 25, 2018
just peachy
/Ed. Note:
the Content Committee could not determine the marketable value of the content. They just said slap a warning on it.
the following content is for MATURE ADULTS ONLY. You know who you are.
/thanx and a tip of the MAGA cap to Eric
the Content Committee could not determine the marketable value of the content. They just said slap a warning on it.
the following content is for MATURE ADULTS ONLY. You know who you are.
/thanx and a tip of the MAGA cap to Eric
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Geographies of violence in Southern California
The carbon sequestered in over a quarter million acres of trees and shrubs and within the building materials of many thousands of structures has now been released to the atmosphere in these hellacious wildfires spread across California. In a state that has seen most of its historic old growth forests logged into extinction, its fossil biomass extracted from the earth for well over a century, where its gasoline burning automobiles clog its cities and highways and its industrial and domestic energy needs are largely supplied by the burning of natural gas, its wildfires count as the reciprocal in a cycle of violence.
-- John Davis
-- John Davis
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Cruelty and truth are often matters of excruciating banality, and now it is clearer than ever that the United States will, given the invaluable chance, net the Australian publisher and WikiLeaks founder to make an example of him. This man, who dirtied the linen of state and exposed the ceremonial of diplomatic hypocrisy, was always an object of interest, notably in the United States. “He was,” confirmed Andrea Kendall-Taylor, former deputy national intelligence officer for Russia under the director of national intelligence, “a loathed figure inside the government.”
-- Binoy Kampmark
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
the revolution was a lie
I was a teenage anarchist
But then the scene got too rigid
It was a mob mentality
They set their rifle sights on me
Narrow visions of autonomy, you want me to surrender my identity
I was a teenage anarchist
The revolution was a lie
But then the scene got too rigid
It was a mob mentality
They set their rifle sights on me
Narrow visions of autonomy, you want me to surrender my identity
I was a teenage anarchist
The revolution was a lie
Monday, November 19, 2018
A slow and cruel assassination is taking place before our very eyes. … They will stop at nothing. … When U.S. Vice President Mike Pence recently visited Ecuador, a deal was done to hand Julian over to the U.S. He said that because the political cost of expelling Julian from the Embassy was too high, the plan was to break him down mentally… to such a point that he will break and be forced to leave.
-- Christine Ann Hawkins, Julian Assange's mother
in Assange’s case, the penalty for having a firm commitment to truth has been especially excruciating and will almost certainly end in his premature death. This is simply the reality. Because of the system under which we live, a 100% commitment to truth is now a clear pathway to oblivion. Assange is experiencing this reality to the fullest. That’s what’s happening here.
-- Eric Zuesse, Greanville Post, 11-16-2018
-- Christine Ann Hawkins, Julian Assange's mother
in Assange’s case, the penalty for having a firm commitment to truth has been especially excruciating and will almost certainly end in his premature death. This is simply the reality. Because of the system under which we live, a 100% commitment to truth is now a clear pathway to oblivion. Assange is experiencing this reality to the fullest. That’s what’s happening here.
-- Eric Zuesse, Greanville Post, 11-16-2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
the filter bubble
-[un-filtered content]-
Iraq was destroyed in a nakedly illegal oil grab, more than one million human beings were killed, and the ‘mainstream’ continued to treat the criminals responsible as respectable statespeople, and to take seriously their subsequent calls for ‘humanitarian intervention’ in oil-rich Libya. With Libya reduced to ruins, the same journalists dreamed on, treating the same criminals with the same respect as they sought yet one more regime change in Syria.
-- Media Lens
Iraq was destroyed in a nakedly illegal oil grab, more than one million human beings were killed, and the ‘mainstream’ continued to treat the criminals responsible as respectable statespeople, and to take seriously their subsequent calls for ‘humanitarian intervention’ in oil-rich Libya. With Libya reduced to ruins, the same journalists dreamed on, treating the same criminals with the same respect as they sought yet one more regime change in Syria.
-- Media Lens
Saturday, November 17, 2018
its my job
On Wednesday evening, former U.S. Marine Ian David Long failed to stop doing his job. He had been employed by the U.S. government to fire a machine gun at people. That had been his job for years, and part of that time he had participated in the war on Afghanistan. He had been given awards for the fine job he’d done in combat. Nobody had been outraged. Nobody had called him names or questioned his sanity.
CNN’s inaccurate headline, “Thousand Oaks gunman went from Marine vet to mass shooter. Investigators want to know why,” creates a mystery where none exists. The question is not how he became a mass shooter but how so many others have managed to cease being mass shooters.
-- David Swanson
Friday, November 16, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
the shackles of the 20th century mind
".....the real tragedy of war is its futility, that people are made to rationalize murder and carry it out, that lives are wasted as a result, that everyone is affected for generations, that souls are lost and cannot find peace"
-- Dennis Morgan
-- Dennis Morgan
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018
Life After Wartime
originally posted on 7/23/2016.....
-- Christy Rodgers
Burned all my notebooks"....if you have been to war, all of this is waiting for you, all day every day, lurking in the silence of the suburban streets where your neighbors are invisible hostiles, or the clangorous city streets where no one looks anyone else in the eye, where the suit on his phone bumps into you and moves on past without breaking his stride, in the plastic-coated food, and the gas-soaked pavement and the cheesy, piped-in music everywhere – so one day you flip out, you say no more terror, no more dread, no more waiting for the ax to fall. Not enough to go for a drive and blast the car stereo till your gut shakes. Not enough to drink yourself stupid and beat the wife or girlfriend bloody when the rage takes hold."
What good are notebooks?
They won’t help me survive
My chest is aching
Burns like a furnace
The burning keeps me alive
-- Christy Rodgers
gun's R us
How has the USA come to the point that so many people feel compelled to own guns—and to use them—in the first place? Citing lax gun laws—or even the influence of the gun lobby—again does not so much answer as beg the question of why and how it has come to be that the US is characterized by such gun culture, laws, and lobbies. Nor does it help to explain the particularly traumatic form of the mass public (school, movie, church) shooting that has become so common.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018
america of the parking garage
uh, white people please ignore the following lyrics, or, refer to Wikipedia....
You just a Black man in this world
You just a barcode, ayy
You just a Black man in this world
Drivin’ expensive foreigns, ayy
You just a big dawg, yeah
I kenneled him in the backyard
No probably ain’t life to a dog
For a big dog
this is america
You just a Black man in this world
You just a barcode, ayy
You just a Black man in this world
Drivin’ expensive foreigns, ayy
You just a big dawg, yeah
I kenneled him in the backyard
No probably ain’t life to a dog
For a big dog
Thursday, November 1, 2018
let's do the collapse again
“It was just a collapse in the insect community. A really dramatic change… The insect populations in the Luquillo forest are crashing.”
-- Bradford C. Lister and Andres Garcia, Climate-Driven Declines in Arthropod Abundance Restructure a Rainforest Food Web, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
-- Bradford C. Lister and Andres Garcia, Climate-Driven Declines in Arthropod Abundance Restructure a Rainforest Food Web, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Monday, October 29, 2018
"Only when we know for certain – and this takes a few seconds to understand – that Russia is being attacked we will deliver a counter strike. This would be a reciprocal counter strike. Why do I say ‘counter’? Because we will counter missiles flying towards us by sending a missile in the direction of an aggressor. Of course, this amounts to a global catastrophe but I would like to repeat that we cannot be the initiators of such a catastrophe because we have no provision for a pre-emptive strike. Yes, it looks like we are sitting on our hands and waiting until someone uses nuclear weapons against us. Well, yes, this is what it is. But then any aggressor should know that retaliation is inevitable and they will be annihilated. And we as the victims of an aggression, we as martyrs would go to paradise while they will simply perish because they won’t even have time to repent their sins."
-- Vladimir Putin, Valdai International Discussion Club, Sochi, October 18, 2018
-- Vladimir Putin, Valdai International Discussion Club, Sochi, October 18, 2018
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
History is the art of making an argument about the past by telling a story accountable to evidence. In the writing of history, a story without an argument fades into antiquarianism; an argument without a story risks pedantry. Writing history requires empathy, inquiry, and debate. It requires forswearing condescension, cant, and nostalgia. The past isn’t quaint. Much of it, in fact, is bleak.
-- Jill Lepore
-- Jill Lepore
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018
is Trump Hitler?
....let’s not suddenly get all squeamish about killing Hitler or … you know, whoever. Killing Hitlers, and other bogeymen, and innocent men, women, and children is as American as apple pie, not to mention an extremely profitable business. So what’s the problem here, exactly? Either Trump is Hitler or he isn’t Hitler. If he’s Hitler, and a traitorous Russian agent, like all those respected media sources, and those anonymous “Intelligence Community” sources, and those people on Twitter say he is, what the hell is taking so long? Why doesn’t somebody get in there and kill him? What good are all these black ops types if they can’t even save America from Hitler?
-- cj hopkins
-- cj hopkins
Sunday, October 21, 2018
President Trump — who folks ought to stop calling president, as it confers too much respect — has chosen to (once again, as he seems to do daily) underscore just how “sub-human” he is, praising a gubernatorial candidate in Montana for body slamming a reporter. This on the heels of “investigations” into the complicity on the part of Saudi Arabia’s leader in the Khashoggi murder and dismemberment.
-- Muhammad Othman
-- Muhammad Othman
Thursday, October 18, 2018
the head-chopper
I tell you what is the difference between #ISIS & #SaudiArabia practice:
- #ISIS will never listen to music while beheading & dismembering their victim
- #SaudiArabia, due to the moderate reformer MBS, listen to Music while cutting the body of #Khashoggi
---- Elijah J. Magnier, veteran War correspondent
- #ISIS will never listen to music while beheading & dismembering their victim
- #SaudiArabia, due to the moderate reformer MBS, listen to Music while cutting the body of #Khashoggi
---- Elijah J. Magnier, veteran War correspondent
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
goin' to disneyland
More people are punching their tickets to their personal Disney Worlds out of fear of death and while sensing a moral decline with what Western Civilization has imposed on this planet.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Throughout her career Hillary has been determined to prove that she can play the role of the male leader just as well as her male counterparts did. And Hillary, you are just as capable. Anyone who cannot see your capacity to push aside all forms of empathy and cynically calculate the most regressive forms of patriarchal oppression is a sexist bigot, I have no doubt about that. Melania sadly has kept the woefully outdated and sexist role of first lady intact. But Melania recognizes that one toxic male figure in her marriage is enough.
-- Nick Pemberton
-- Nick Pemberton
Sunday, October 14, 2018
bomb Iran- always been the plan
“If the president of the United States wants to take this nation to war, he can take this nation to war. And stopping that is incredibly difficult.”
-- Kent Conrad, former Senator (D-ND)
“They are people just like us. Why don't we bomb ourselves instead”
-- db desgnr, malcontent
-- Kent Conrad, former Senator (D-ND)
“They are people just like us. Why don't we bomb ourselves instead”
-- db desgnr, malcontent
Saturday, October 13, 2018
through a lens, darkly
Quantum physicists, Sufi fakirs, and certain other esoterics understand what most of us don’t, namely, that there is no such thing as “the Truth,” or “Reality,” apart from our perception of it. The world, or “reality,” or whatever you want to call it, is more than happy to transform itself into any imaginable shape and form, based on the lens you are looking at it through. It’s like a trickster in that regard. Look at “reality” through a racist lens, and everything will make sense according to that logic. Look at it through a social justice lens, or a Judeo-Christian lens, or a Muslim lens, or a scientific or a Scientologist lens, or a historical materialist or capitalist lens (it really makes no difference at all) … and abracadabra! A new world is born!
-- c.j. hopkins
-- c.j. hopkins
Friday, October 12, 2018
Thursday, October 11, 2018
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we should be wary that a faux “movement” may be manufactured on the backs of real movements that have sought to upend that political and ...
Americans “must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”...