Sunday, May 31, 2020

to-do list

Roar at sky
Get cat food
Get Pentagon de-funded
Win imaginary argument with God
Lose actual argument with God
Write some blog or something
Call parents
Find way to ruin Mike Pompeo’s day
Do dishes
Burn motherfucker to ground
Discover new ways I’ve been fooling myself
Discover new ways I’ve been limiting myself
Discover new ways I haven’t been loving myself
Vomit up primordial delusion-based conditioning
Become big pimpin’ billionaire poet

Get rid of this annoying film over my perception which inhibits my ability to fully see things as the thunderously beautiful miracles I know they are in each and every moment and be constantly floored by pleasure and gratitude

Clean bathroom
Kill patriarchy
Create healthy world for my kids
Let in pleasure
Create culture
Sing loudly
Listen deeply
Love bravely
Be impaled by presence
Be electrified by ordinariness
Be immolated by aliveness
Do something about fly screen

-- Caitlin Johnstone

Friday, May 15, 2020

Jackson State - May 15

Gotta get down to it....

On Friday, some 11 days after Kent State, another Vietnam war protest on a campus turned deadly. At Jackson State University in Mississippi, a junior at the college and a passing highschool senior were killed by police who were responding to out of control protests. Twelve other people were also injured when some of the 75 local and state police fired more than 400 rounds at the crowds. Nobody seemed to know why they did exactly, with the police saying they had been threatened in various ways. Nobody was ever punished for the killings at Kent State or at Jackson State. 

Monday, May 11, 2020


Miami Vice star Don Johnson once asked Hunter S. Thompson to answer old Zen philosophical question: 'What is the sound of one hand clapping?' Hunter S. Thompson answered by reaching up and slapping Johnson upside his head.
