Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez generally puts me to shame in the histrionics department (the bitch also looks way better in heels) but she hit the nail on the head when she had the ovaries to call our countries desert tiger-cage day-care centers concentration camps. No single race of people owns the rights to that specific genre of inhumanity. This country had concentration camps for Indians long before Germany was even Germany. A concentration camp is anywhere where large groups of people are concentrated against their will behind bars and concertina wire. You don’t have to be a limp-wristed open-borders loving panarchist like me to find that concept repulsive, especially when it involves children. Ankle bracelets are cheap and locking up toddlers is terrorism. But why are we picking favorites here? When it all comes down to it, aren’t all prisons concentration camps?
    -- Nicky Reid


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

savage freedom

“The internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen…within a few years, global civilization will be a postmodern surveillance dystopia, from which escape for all but the most skilled individuals will be impossible. In fact, we may already be there.”
    -- Julian Assange

As in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, it’ll be the Savages who want to be left alone, off the grid, who appreciate the value of privacy, who will be targeted, breaking as they do from the conditioning required by late metastatic Techno-Capitalism breaking real bad. In an information age your cogito is the final frontier for economic growth, your thoughts mere commodities. Settled into Soma, you’ll soon be swimming with the endolphins and feeling new porpoise, but the reality is that the sharks are swimming all around you in algorithmic circles. Only a savage would want to be free.
    -- John Kendall Hawkins


Friday, July 19, 2019

the devolution will be televised

Donald Trump is America’s body-cam, the not so smart smartphone streaming medium through which the nation glimpses itself. Like these instruments of public surveillance, Trump presents to us a portrait of American life that is as unrelenting in its ugliness as it is gruelingly uncomfortable to watch, prompting swift if disingenuous denials of a reality that for far too long had been rejected in favor of national hagiography.
    -- John G, Russell


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

alternate universe built to spill

American West

The sign was painted, said ‘Private Property’
But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing
This land was made for you and me.
    -- Woody Guthrie

Journey across the B.L.M. and Forest Service domain today and you’ll find no shortage of uses that look more like abuses. Oil and gas fields blight the deserts and steppe. Coal, copper, silver and gold mines stab into cliffs and mountains. Forests are felled for timber interests, grasslands are overgrazed for the benefit of cattlemen. The result is ecological impoverishment, biotic simplification and a widespread collapse of biodiversity.
    -- Christopher Ketcham


Friday, July 12, 2019

fuck adulthood

I say we stop giving the bullies our lunch money and use our would-be tax dollars to buy PlayStations, dope and electric guitars. I say we turn the census into a colossal game of Madlibs. I say we decorate every government building we can find with toilet paper and rotten eggs. I say we all show up to jury duty in blackface except the blacks who show up dressed as white powdered judges. I say we throw a gigantic water-balloon fight on the graves of Arlington with one red-nosed clown for every tombstone. I say we jam up the tailpipes of every police cruiser from Queens to Ferguson with Twinkies and bananas. I say we dose Washington’s water supply with homemade moonshine. And I say we all play hooky with a nationwide collective strike and gather at the National Mall to eat fluffer-nutters, make out and play Dungeons and Dragons until the adults step down and give us back our goddamned democracy.
    -- Nicky Reid



Tuesday, July 9, 2019

help me armageddon


The Ethics Lesson (or: To Kill a Shark)

For some it’s more important
To make money, turn a profit,
Than to kill a shark — to slice its fins off
And toss it back into the water
To drown, slowly, on the sea floor
And, for some, it’s more important
That that shark should live
Not because it’s part of a system
The argument utilitarians give —That it’s better for us
That that shark should live,
Though it is —But just because it’s wrong
To kill a shark, or anything,if you don’t have to.
No, but, you don’t understand,says person A
I have to kill the sharks to pay
My rent, my way…
to which I say, the ethicist said,
better to murder the landlord instead
That, at least, would be self defense.

-- Elliot Sperber
